Friday, August 31, 2007

Just a thought!

60 years of freedom…. Independence… Largest democracy…. These are some of the remnants of 15th august still resounding in my ears as I sit down to write.. What irks is the direction we (as a country) are heading…. . [For those of u who think we are stagnating… u morons… we are actually going somewhere]. Have you ever experienced having illusions about something.. and then having the bubble break over your face?

Well, hard to digest.. but this is one of those! If one goes by the media reports and statistics, one may be led to believe (you would have be really dumb though) that we are progressing in the right direction- It’s only when you hit the streets that reality strikes and you are forced to acknowledge the pathetic mess that we are in!

What comes to my mind immediately as I sit down to write is every second guy I know who has just finished, is in the process of, or will be {in the near future} taking up the “GRE”[Get Ready (to) Emigrate]! Brutal honesty at this juncture makes me admit that I too am one amongst the mass of “gre” aspirants!
Well, what I don’t understand is- How can an entire country be filled with hypocrites! My ears still ringing with praises of India being sung ( post 15th Aug) and the same voices today have a different tale to tell- “ the entire system sucks man” or “ I just wanna get outta here as soon as possible!”

It is but natural that all of us have dreams of exploring the unknown and having a chance to turn our dreams into reality. And for those who genuinely want to come back to their country [there do happen to be a few of this species sprinkled around :)], well- Hats off! It’s no easy task to leave the luxurious niche that you would have created in your time abroad and get back here to become just another of ‘us’- overworked and less pay!

I am ashamed to admit that I belong to the so- called “future of tomorrow” – the same who are running away from a problem instead of facing it, who prefer paying 50 bucks as fine rather than pay 200 and get a receipt in the process! And as for those who- when faced with the question of doing something for the country when abroad, reply with the clichéd “ I help improve the country’s economy through foreign exchange”… You need to have your heads examined .. I mean – seriously, what does that even mean? Anyone who has even the remotest idea of the sheer magnitude of problems we face would think twice before saying that!

We have all enjoyed life and taken what our society has had to give us for the past 20 years or so… Is it so unthinkable to spend the next 20 giving back?


Arjun B S said...

and u thought u can't write well ... !! BRILLIANTly crafted stuff,girl!

Dee Kay Enn said...

i agree with bonda soupu.. very good writing!!
But, you may want to rethink a few points. Not that I am not patriotic, but there are reasons why people emigrate - equality, opportunity, to name a few. One cannot disgrace everyone who goes abroad - what about for education to which you are referring to? Why doesn't India have a Harvard? Considering there are Indians in Harvard, it definitely cannot be the absence of talent? One can surmise that it is the system and the process. There are brave souls who are striving to make things better - On the political front, we have (or is it had) lok paritran (I think that's the name), but what happened? the system ate them, if I could use the cliched phrase! Brain Drain has been a debatable topic right from the time I was in school! And then you look around at dug up roads outside your house and having to balance yourself (in heels) precaiously on a plank and the corrupt system, and you either say , 'I've had it' and move abroad or move to a different locality and continue thinking 'this is just those one off things, what about the awesome variety of cuisnine I get here or the fact that servant maids are aplenty' and move on in life!!

kalpathi said...

Well, that's exactly my point! I am not sayin- dont go. Go, but come back also. And there are very few who do it. And don't make India out to be a black hole. It has a whole lot of minuses, but also a few positives. I think we should take a more active stand against what's happening. Its not enough if we are just 'aware' about it.And yes, India is about corruption.. but we- you and I are also to blame for it partially beause we allow it to happen.

anoop said...

Brilliant post!! I have to agree to most of the points about people running away from the problem. But if you look at the big picture . The country has 1 billion people!! No country is perfect , its upto us youths to make it better. I, for one think that the future for India is bright and us citizens should be faithful to our motherland.

Veng@ said...

ok ok...lemme start with anu :D

who prefer paying 50 bucks as fine rather than pay 200 and get a receipt in the process!

i donno why ppl always connect traffic police to development of nation, economy, brain drain, and any poor thing on earth for that matter.

if u do a mistake u have to pay the penalty for it, in a "fair" way. That "fair" way was decided by "law", which is again made by ppl. so, if u do an offence, u have to go to court and pay what "law" asks u to pay and get going.

we are doing exactly the same with the traffic police, but just settling "out of court". If we do the same thing with a lawyer, then ppl are not calling it as illegal or offence or a bane to a nation and all...why ??? how is it different ????

And what kind of development does a citizen can expect by paying his fine ????? Nothing. It will just go into the pockets of the govt.

Development of a country purely depends on how effectively we make use of our resources.

Brain drain is just a very meagre percentage of wastage of our resources.

what we have in plenty, we have to make use of it - we have much much more left even after ppl who leaves the country...

A country's development depends on its smartness in utilizing its resources...

we have human resource - make use of it - and thats what service sector is doing - and its seeing its results now....[look at the stable INR :D ]..infact we should spread our wings to faar more countries across the globe in the service sector and make others dependable on us for providing the service - at one point, it will be inevitable for them to live without our services because they will forget to serve themselves - at the right time, go attack them and get their resources. thats how a country can develop.