"It's HOT! I'm getting steamed", said Sam [alias Swaminathan]. These were his first words as he landed at Chennai airport. One would not think that Swaminathan, rather Sam hails from our very own Chennai!
An engineering graduate from a local college here, who later went on to "foreign parts" to continue his studies and did exceedingly well, is now 'flying home' to pay a 'flying visit' to his kith and kin. I, a mere bystander in the entire duration of his visit, was given cause to wonder at the so called terrible and pathetic state of shambles that our country was supposedly in. The pollution, heat, narrow roads, traffic congestion, senseless autodrivers- these were the vices of ours, which gradually became a refrain in the days to come. If Swaminathan had managed to survive and moreover revel in his first 25 years here, why is the same situation 'unbearable' for Sam?
The frequency and the intensity of Sam's complaints and cribbing increased initially frustrating the poor soul at the receiving end, causing him to retaliate in defense, but as with time the complaints took a turn towards the ridiculous, the entire scene just turned comical!
At the end of the day, rather at the end of Sam's visit, one wonders-
Have the luxuries of the West taken precedence over the feeling of belonging one has when in India?
Do the liberal ways of the yonder have a better hold on our 'NRI's when compared to the tradition and culture they have grown up with?
Can pizzas and MacD Burgers replace Home-cooked food.....