Friday, October 26, 2007

Crazy Indian Video!

This video is a definite winner!!! Guaranteed to have you in whoops of laughter :)

PS: Credits for passin me the link go to Reynah/ Sribharath :D

Saturday, October 20, 2007


Being twenty and eternally high on life, old age should be but a faraway thought to me. But for some unknown reason, I find myself having a tendre for the old and infirm. It’s almost impossible for me to understand how a man will feel post 60- when all of a sudden, he is relegated to the back of the family, and becomes just another mouth to feed. I know I sound a bit melodramatic, but this situation in its essence, is a reality today- how ever much we try to turn a blind eye to it. The sheer number of old age homes and retirement centers burgeoning every day is a reflection of what the scenario is like today. How is it that today- own children forget to accord their parents even an iota of the respect and comfort they deserve in the evening of their lives!

It’s quite incomprehensible how a child can desert his parents- when for the first time in their lives probably, they look to their son/daughter for support. These, mind you, are the same two people who pandered to our every whim, helped us take our first steps, taught us the ABC of life; they- who were always there-night and day- for us, and then did the hardest- Let go…

….Let go of us; to give us enough freedom to make a mark, find our identity;Let us make our mistakes and learn- with a costant prayer on their lips. I can undoubtably state that our parents are the only two beings who will never have any selfish motives as far as their offspring is concerned. And to this shower of love and affection- you reciprocate by forgetting them as soon as you realize that they are of no more of use to you.

If this is what being modern is- I would rather be backward and
If progress means to put your parents in Home and then forget them, I quite prefer the old, rustic way of living!!
If this is our way of proclaiming to the West that we too have ‘arrived’, I wish we had never set upon the journey!!!

Friday, August 31, 2007


I recently came across this article of a policeman getting an award for sporting the longest moustache. Since time immemorial, the "moustache" has been associated with the typical arrogance of a man- the 'take-charge, menacing, won't listen to others, fiery temper" type of men.On the other hand, the clean-shaven look is sure to be a hit with all ages- you are in turns apprachable and effable with the tiny tots, cute (read sexy) with the ages that matter and appear obedient and nice to the old. A french beard or a goatee is acceptable depending on the company you keep and the occasion :P.
Of course, the 'mush' does work in favour of men like 'Richard' of the Friends sitcom who look even more delectable with it (if possible). The truth though does remain that it does not 'become' every man. Some just end up looking a mess! From a girl's point of view, it's definitely a turn-off unless you have the looks, personality and the wit to go with it!

Moral: A general caution issued to all men to think twice before you attach or detach the 'mush' :)

Just a thought!

60 years of freedom…. Independence… Largest democracy…. These are some of the remnants of 15th august still resounding in my ears as I sit down to write.. What irks is the direction we (as a country) are heading…. . [For those of u who think we are stagnating… u morons… we are actually going somewhere]. Have you ever experienced having illusions about something.. and then having the bubble break over your face?

Well, hard to digest.. but this is one of those! If one goes by the media reports and statistics, one may be led to believe (you would have be really dumb though) that we are progressing in the right direction- It’s only when you hit the streets that reality strikes and you are forced to acknowledge the pathetic mess that we are in!

What comes to my mind immediately as I sit down to write is every second guy I know who has just finished, is in the process of, or will be {in the near future} taking up the “GRE”[Get Ready (to) Emigrate]! Brutal honesty at this juncture makes me admit that I too am one amongst the mass of “gre” aspirants!
Well, what I don’t understand is- How can an entire country be filled with hypocrites! My ears still ringing with praises of India being sung ( post 15th Aug) and the same voices today have a different tale to tell- “ the entire system sucks man” or “ I just wanna get outta here as soon as possible!”

It is but natural that all of us have dreams of exploring the unknown and having a chance to turn our dreams into reality. And for those who genuinely want to come back to their country [there do happen to be a few of this species sprinkled around :)], well- Hats off! It’s no easy task to leave the luxurious niche that you would have created in your time abroad and get back here to become just another of ‘us’- overworked and less pay!

I am ashamed to admit that I belong to the so- called “future of tomorrow” – the same who are running away from a problem instead of facing it, who prefer paying 50 bucks as fine rather than pay 200 and get a receipt in the process! And as for those who- when faced with the question of doing something for the country when abroad, reply with the clichéd “ I help improve the country’s economy through foreign exchange”… You need to have your heads examined .. I mean – seriously, what does that even mean? Anyone who has even the remotest idea of the sheer magnitude of problems we face would think twice before saying that!

We have all enjoyed life and taken what our society has had to give us for the past 20 years or so… Is it so unthinkable to spend the next 20 giving back?

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Welcome to my space in cyberspace - I find myself unable to describe the kind of blog this will be/is or slot it into a genre, but the attempt shall be made to make it interesting, and I promise, it won't be an autobiography or me droning about my activities of the day and who I met... Well, I'll try at least!

Sunday, June 3, 2007



Having plenty of time to spare post-twelfth board exams, I turned to volunteering- a long awaited wish of mine coming true at last. Through ivolunteer, I was directed to a small school in yashwantpur which catered to child labourers under the NCLP- National child labourers project. The morning, when I was due at the school, found me filled with apprehension of what lay ahead for me… as I had never been any good with kids!

But, contrary to my fears, the ensuing month was a truly unforgettable one, for me at least!! The kids, ranging from 8 yr olds to mushrooming 16 yr olds were a constant source of delight. I was appalled to discover most came from broken families, or in some cases- there was NO family! These were only kids by name. The mental maturity and understanding of the world they possessed at that tender age, was something that had to be seen to be believed. An age, which most of us went through playing, frolicking away and totally carefree, had these kids working the streets to support themselves!

One boy, who left a lasting impression on me was ravi. An exceptionally intelligent 10 yr old, with no family, he supported himself by washing dishes from 4 in the morning till the wee hours of the night , attending school also in between- all this for a measly Rs. 50 per week.

It was an eye opener for someone like me who had taken the basic amenities and luxuries of life for granted. For the first time I realized the value of money and the place it held in our lives. Each day there proved to be a new and learning experience for me. In spite of the living hell that their life was, they still possessed the innocence of the youth and the confidence that they would get their share of joy and happiness in the years to come.

Each individual there was truly that- an INDIVIDUAL. Each had his own dreams and ambitions, yet there was all bound by the fire that raged within them- the need to need to prove to the world and more importantly themselves what they were capable of.

In their world which reeks of depression, broken families and violence, these street kids have the determination to make it in life and it is this which has propelled them forward as yet another day dawns and they get ready to face the big bad world outside!

When one goes through the lows of life, one has but to think of these brave little soldiers battling it out on the streets and think- if they can bounce back to life with so much zeal, why can’t I???